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Considering Our Future: Finding a Permanant Site

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A City Building for Community Enrichment


For a number of years, the Cambridge Museum Committee has been hard at work planning the future of the museum. This, of course, includes finding a permanent site that will allow the museum to grow to its full potential as a community-centered organization. 

Committee members have diligently researched and visited numerous sites throughout Cambridge, from existing community spaces to vacant city buildings and everything in between. The search has included publicly and privately owned sites of all sizes, and museum committee members have brainstormed countless ways to reimagine, repurpose, and restore spaces across the city. 

As we develop our programming and deepen our community connections (through our “building as we climb” approach), the question of where to house projects becomes all the more important. While temporary site residence is still an exciting option — and we hope to present more pop-up exhibits in the future — we sincerely hope to see the museum soon settled into a not just a suitable site, but a special one. Through our research, it’s become apparent that each potential space has its own story to tell, and finding the right site will undoubtedly enrich the museum’s goal of sharing Cambridge history in a profound and tactile way.


A logo that says The Cambridge Museum of History and Culture and includes an image of the City of Cambridge's seal.
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